Fitness Training App


iNTEL FIT-mockup-484x230

Project Overview

The Product

The product belongs to a company located in Lima, they have an actual fitness training center. Their app provides training to do at home or at the office, providing also, direct help to users through the app

Project Duration

August 2021 – November 2021


Anyone Over 18 years old

showing phone design-626x568

The Problem

People with a lack of time need help in order to do their fitness training.

The Goal

Develop an AI Feature that helps users to find a hole in their schedules to train.

My Role

Lead UX Designer


User research, wireframing, prototyping, user

Understanding the User

  • User Research
  • Persona
  • Problem Statements
  • User Journey Maps
  • Competitive Audit
  • Main Focus

User Research: Summary

I conducted interviews and create empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and
their needs. A primary user group identified through research was working people with a tight
agenda or who use to do plans for the week
At first, people reveal there was a problem reviewing in the app so it was pretty difficult to
communicate with support, but the study revealed there was a need from people to do the exercises
in the right way and that they would like to find a good time to train

User Research: Pain Points


It’s hard to find time to do exercises because people tight schedule and would like something which helps them

Review Support

One of the interviewed mentioned that would like a platform to send her reviews and
contact to support directly


t’s hard for them to
schedule the exercises


Would like to be
notified when support


Problem Statement:

Cristina is a Travel Agency Manager who needs better ways to review through the app because she feels is not doing the exercises in the right way


Problem Statement:

Paul is a paramedic who needs exercises focused on swimmers because he wants to be a professional swimmer.


User Journey Map

Mapping Cristina’s user journey revealed how helpful it would be for users to have a faster review tag

Journey Map - Cristina

Paul’s Journey Map revealed how important it is that Paul’s schedule be able to sync up with his app.

Journey Map - Paul

Competitive Audit

This type of analysis has followed me throughout my career, always revealing important details in this case the similarity of services and the market’s need for something that goes beyond the usual.

Competitive Audit-iNTEL FIT

Main Focus

After understanding the people and the journey map, I decided to choose the group with the greatest problem similarity (Cristina), taking into account positive ideas from Paul’s Journey Map.

Starting the Design

  • Paper Wireframe
  • Digital Wireframe
  • Low Fidelity Prototype
  • Usability Studies

Paper Wireframe

After what was revealed by the first phase I began to sketch some ideas on paper based on the pain points.

It is important to know which is the first screen of the interaction, normally I would start with the Home, however for the required goals I decided to start with the introduction to the app, in a nutshell, I decided that the functionality of the time synchronization is not just a feature to activate but that it was there from the beginning and from that point continue with all its functionality.

Keep this information in mind because is the base of the design!

Sketches for the Fist Iteration

Paper Wireframes

Welcome Screen

Welcome Screen Paper Wireframe

With a star the characteristics that I liked of my sketches for the first page were marked, however, I preferred to try to keep it simple and easy, especially for its configuration.

So the end up conclusion was to create two main screens.

Welcome Screen: this helps the users to configure the app for the goal needed and only will appear one time.

Home screen: Which will be the common ‘’Start’’ point, (it is
shown in the next page)

Digital Wireframe

As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base screen, designs on feedback and findings from the user research


Digital Wireframe

Welcome Screen

Digital Wireframe Menu

By adding reviews and Support on the app, which generates a direct conversation to company’s support, we address one of the most needed problems from users

The Low Fidelity Prototype connected the primary user flow of syncing schedule app from user with our iNTEL FIT Trainer App.


Low Fidelity Prototype

Usability Study: Findings

Round 1 Findings

  • Improve the arrow design to be better clickable
  • Add better ways to review and respond with notifications
  • Guide users on the home page

Round 2 Findings

  • Add gender options.
  • add a description of each feature
  • Add body target

Refining the Design

  • Mockups
  • High Fidelity Prototype
  • Accessibility


From the beginning, the design had no major criticisms, so additional modifications contribute to a better understanding. The quality of the buttons was improved by adding text. Also, add signs to indicate better how to continue or back.

Before and After Usability Study 1

The second usability study revealed frustration about gender choice, choice physical target and additional descriptions on the menu

Before and After Usability Study-2

Improve the menu so that each of its functionalities is better understood with a brief description below, also change the orientation of the animation of the menu entry so that it is consistent with the entire application for which the orientation of the texts had to be changed and button.

Before and After Usability Study-3

High Fidelity Prototype

The final high fidelity prototype presented a cleaner user flow for syncing the fitness trainer app with the user’s calendar choosing with customization to reach the user’s goals.

High Fidelity Prototype

Accessibility Considerations

The app has been designed to completely help people with disabilities but it has been added an extra function called ‘’Accessibility’’ on the ‘’Menu’’ page

Text Height

Provide 3 different kinds of text height to help people with vision problems.

Dark Mode

to help people who are affected by brightness.

Voice Assistance with AI

so the AI can help the user to navigate through the app.

Going Forward

  • Takeaways
  • Next Steps



”iNTEL FIT helps users with that sense of attention that they need when they have no time, the AI helps to achieve their goals in any situation”
A quote from a participant

What I learned

Some ideas are great, at first, I thought my project was too easy to develop, overall since the first study doesn’t reveal bigger changes.

Second Usability Study and its findings direct the design towards a larger development destination.

Next Steps


Polish, subsane and add features that could improve the design


add an option to remove preferences, reset exercises and close session


conduct another round of usability studies to validate whether the pain points users experience has been effectively addressed.

Lets Connect

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on iNTEL FIT if you’d like to see more or get in touch,
my contact information is provided below.
Name: Ruben Angeles
Email: [email protected]

Thank You!

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