The 13 Advances of the Future of UX Design with AI

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Welcome to a bright future of UX design with AI ! Before we dive into the 13 advances that will define the future, we recommend you review my previous article on how AI is revolutionizing the world of UX today. Have you read it yet? Perfect! Now you are ready to explore future advancements and improvements in the field.
It is essential to be aware of what is currently available, as well as what is to come. In this article, we will present you some advances that already exist in this year 2023 and others that are in development and are seeking investment through different platforms or collaborations to test their tools. Get ready to discover the future of UX design with AI!
We are on the cusp of a technological revolution in the business world! Having access to these tools before their official launch is a unique opportunity to implement them in your business strategies and have a competitive advantage.
Even if you only have a basic understanding of programming, this can be their big chance to stand out. Don’t miss your chance to be an early adopter of these revolutionary tools!

13 Advances in UX Design with AI:
1. Virtual and augmented reality: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a key role in the development of virtual and augmented reality experiences, creating more immersive and realistic interactions for users.
Under this consideration, augmented reality glasses must be taken into account, development on this point is advancing a lot to the point that augmented reality contact lenses are already being successfully developed.
The intrinsic future of these contact lenses added to augmented reality glasses will make advertising in the near future augmented reality.
2. Real-time optimization: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable real-time content optimization of user interfaces, resulting in a more efficient and satisfying experience for users.
3. Generative Design: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable the creation of generative designs, which means that the software will be able to create design options based on certain criteria and preferences set by the designers.
4. Analysis of emotions in real time: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will allow a more precise and advanced detection of the emotions of the users through the monitoring of their behavior and their facial expression, which will allow an even more detailed personalization in the UX design.

5. Improved accessibility: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable improved accessibility for users with disabilities, including creating more accessible and user-friendly user interfaces for them. Artificial Intelligence will identify if the device from which the person is entering is configured for people with disabilities and will automatically adapt to their reality, for example, it could put the background dark or put the letters bigger and make this format by default every time you enter .
6. Improved security: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will allow an improvement in online security, including the detection of fraudulent behavior and the implementation of more advanced security measures to protect user data.
These measures would include the identification of people through optical, facial and voice security, as well as device entry identification so that the system can know if it is entering from a reliable, verifiable network and consistent with its other accesses.
This means that it will identify where you are accessing from, if for example you have access from a completely different country than the one you usually go to, it will be a warning to activate a higher security system, the level of security will depend on each company.
7. Personalized Optimization: UX Design with AI, similar to real-time optimization, can also reach the point of customizing a model developed by designers or that AI has the freedom to adapt to the needs of each user according to their own handling of the tools, while a relative of this person might see a completely different design.
8. VAK Systems: UX Design with AI will allow a continuous improvement of the design, through VAK (Visual, Auditory, Knethic) systems, which will result in a greater impact on any of these characteristics for users.
For example if the system detects that the person has consumed more videos, the page will be oriented towards a more visual design, if in any case it detects that it is more auditory, it will integrate audio options, if it detects that it is Kinesthetic, it will recommend to the company a more personalized attention for that user in addition to giving away products such as a book or some other detail that makes the company feel closer.

9. Multi-device interactions: UX Design with AI will enable improved interactions between users and their devices, resulting in a smoother and more consistent user experience across all the devices you use.
10. Behavior Analysis: UX Design with AI will enable more detailed and advanced analysis of user behavior, allowing for more accurate and effective personalization in UX design.
There are still few companies that use the current methods in terms of behavior analysis, since they are expensive systems, a drastic price reduction of this technology is expected due to the fact that 3D recognition systems are increasingly accessible.
11. Conversation Design: UX Design with AI will enable more natural and effective conversation design, resulting in a more enjoyable and efficient user experience in conversation-based applications.
This conversation may be with a pleasant voice according to the user’s profile and even their preferences so that the user feels comfortable with the virtual assistant.
12. Prediction of needs: UX Design with AI will allow the prediction of user needs, which will result in a more personalized and effective user experience.
With all the improvements mentioned above and the current ones, the prediction of needs will be much more detailed and accurate so that you can send the data to the administrator
13. Integration of virtual assistants: UX Design with AI will allow an improvement in the integration of virtual assistants in user interfaces, which will result in a more efficient and accessible user experience.
Virtual assistants can be customized in terms of their image so that it is the most pleasant for users.

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way we create and design web pages. It is important to note that AI can already create basic and attractive web pages, but it is not yet fully developed in terms of user experience (UX). Due to technological advances, it is essential not to limit yourself only to the knowledge of the UX in web pages and applications, since the UX is present in everything and we must be prepared to adapt to the future.
Additionally, robotics and feature integration are trends that are changing the way web pages and social media interact, allowing for automatic personalization and a better user experience. In this sense, web design will be faster and easier to implement these technologies compared to application design. Therefore, it is crucial for professionals and companies to be prepared to integrate these advances and take advantage of their potential.
If you want to know a little more about this topic you can see the article: Sales Across the Metaverse.
Thank you for reading.